Thursday, January 15, 2015

Snopes confirms open letter blasting Holder is from retired FBI agent.

There is quite a buzz surrounding an open letter from a retired FBI agent to Attorney General Eric Holder. So much so that Snopes looked into it and confirms that it is indeed from retired FBI Special Agent K. Dee McCown, currently Director, Global Security and Loss Prevention at W.W. Grainger, Inc.


Anonymous said...

Although I would take anything vetted from Snopes with a large grain of salt, I do believe there are still men and women in Gov't positions that wear a "white hat". Ones that still believe in the principals the country was founded on and hate what's being done to them. Seeing that I wasn't aware of this letter, I'm sure many others aren't either. So thanks for bringing my attention to it so I can forward it along t my contacts.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding writing. How if it went viral.