Thursday, January 15, 2015

Good, you collectivist bastards, you're SUPPOSED to feel uncomfortable.

Garrett Bosworth, 16, of Yakima clutched a wood-stock hunting rifle as she sat in the House gallery after the outdoor rally ended. "It's like standing up to bullies," she said of efforts to fight gun control. "If you don't say anything, they're just going to keep doing it."
State Patrol officers stayed close to the gun-carrying protesters who entered the Capitol but made no arrests related to the rally. It's legal to openly carry firearms into the Capitol and the public viewing galleries above the chamber floors.
Majority Leader Pat Sullivan, D-Covington, said the issue of guns in the public gallery - which doesn't have protective glass separating it from lawmakers on the floor - has been something his caucus has been talking about.
"There are a number of members who are very uncomfortable and feel we should address the issue," he said.


GA Patriot said...

Maybe members of the DemoMarxist caucus deserve to be concerned. After their treason, I would be concerned myself.

Anonymous said...

DOJ Targets Legal Gun Dealers - Threatens Banks to Close Their Accounts

Jan 14, 2015

TimeHasCome said...

Mike I was with you when you came to our State . I did not go down to Olympia because I did not want to support Gottlieb . The more I read about him the less I like it .
I am very glad to see our State Lawmakers sweating bullets or having a loose sphincter . I kept your card and its quote " When Democracy turns to Tyranny the armed citizen still gets to vote." Nothing could be more true.

Anonymous said...

The Illinois statehouse is a gun free zone. Guess what. Not too many years ago a deranged fool walked right on in with a shotgun and committed murder. With absolutely no arms around - it was a free fire opportunity. Imagine that.

Isn't it amazing? Our Constitution works when it's adhered to and things are deadly when it is not.

prambo said...

If these collectivist dweebs keep pushing, "...feeling uncomfortable.." will be a welcome respite from the feces storm they will face.

Time for members of their communities to adopt the Amish "shunning" paradigm. Cut them off wherever you can - at the grocery store, gas station, post office, wherever - make their lives, and their families, a lesson in "f*****' wit the wrong *****" as TuPac so eloquently put it.

(Damn, that new "bot" catcher makes me have to twist my eyeballs all over to read the letters)