Wednesday, March 5, 2014

NRA plays games with scoring announcement. Dishes unofficially to Emily Miller but fails to issue official announcement.

Failure to score. More limp-dicked weinermobile games from the Lairds of Fairfax. GOA doesn't have that problem.


Anonymous said...

Never joined the NRA, I have been a GOA member for almost ten years. My Rep.Paul Gossar has received an A or A+ rating from GOA each year. He really is a good guy, unlike RINO, hopefully lame duck McCain and his lap dog , Jeff Flake.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the problem GOA has is getting politicians or anyone else to pay attention to them. Screw Larry Pratt and the GOA. What I just said makes as much sense as the things you say about The NRA. Why don't you understand that The NRA, GOA and all of us are on the same side?

How many votes does The NRA influence versus the number of votes GOA influences?

Anonymous said...

The GOA influences the NRA according to Dirty Harry Reid. The gun grabbers think they could get the NRA to back "reasonable" gun laws, if it wasn't for the GOA.

Anonymous said...

@Anony March 5, 2014 at 6:00 PM

"Why don't you understand that The NRA, GOA and all of us are on the same side?"

A scant few have articulated legitimate grievances with the NRA in an intelligent way. The less intelligent followers generally misunderstand the cause and effect of said grievances, and thus proceed to blather on about the NRA being a "gun control" organization and therefore should be eliminated.

When the name Charlton Heston is mentioned, most Americans will remember 'Planet Of The Apes', 'Soylent Green', 'The Ten Commandments', and lastly, a president of the NRA who famously said "From my cold dead hands!"

When the name Larry Pratt is mentioned, most Americans will ask, "Larry who?"

If the American people generally don't know or care who you are, then neither does Congress.

The remainder who incessantly criticize the NRA are just contrarian dickheads who like to think they are more "expert" on a given subject by always following the road (far) less traveled.

What these strategic geniuses don't seem to get is this: If the NRA didn't exist, neither would a little blog called 'Sipsey Street Irregulars', because there would be no gun rights left in existence to fight for.

The NRA certainly has made "compromises" in the past that weren't good. Sometimes compromises were the only option that prevented an even worse outcome.

If a ship in the middle of the ocean happens to go off course from time to time, it seems to make more sense to try and right the ship's course, rather than go ape-shit and head for the lifeboats every time the compass is a little off.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon at 6pm....get your head out of your ass.....the NRA sells gun owners out or spins them up to raise revenue....nothing more, nothing less. Look up their history. They've sign off on, or helped concoct almost every major piece of gun control legislation. Of course, you'll say that they did their job. No, GOA is doing the job of not backing up on gun rights issues. NRA is slowing boiling the frog.

Anonymous said...



Any questions?

Neil E. Wright said...

For Anonymous at 6:00 PM

The NRA has been complicit with EVERY infringement of the Second Amendment, going all the way back to NFA '34. Not a SINGLE infringement since '34 would have passed if it hadn't been for the NRA's complicity.
And then, when the 2nd Amendment Foundation wins in court, the NRA trumpets the win as if it was all them. SCREW the NRA. When they STOP being complicit in the infringements on our FREEDOM, I'll consider rejoining.
Oh, and they have to get rid of Cris "Cocks" and Wayne "LaPew". Two bigger sellouts of our FREEDOM would be hard to find.

Anonymous said...

The NRA I know will not be backing any "reasonable" gun laws. Just one example is they are not backing universal background checks. They are vehemently against that. They certainly did not back any recently passed gun laws in Colorado, Connecticut, New York or Maryland. They will not back closing the so-called gun show loophole. So, where did anyone get the idea The NRA backs "reasonable" gun control laws?
Mike, I resent your constant childish criticism of The NRA with your "Lairds of Fairfax" and your silly weenie mobile. That is just plain childish and does not fit your normal display of intellect. It also hurts our pro amendment 2 cause rather than helping it. So, please stop that and act like an adult! If you have a criticism of The NRA just state it in a mature fashion without your silly labels. If I see any more childish displays about The NRA on your blog, you may have eliminated me as a fan.

Anonymous said...

"If the NRA didn't exist, neither would a little blog called 'Sipsey Street Irregulars', because there would be no gun rights left in existence to fight for."

Speak for yourself. And getting back on point, what's the deal with NRA loudly announcing they "strongly oppose" Murthy, then telling Emily Miller they will score the vote but refusing to issue an official statement? I'd love to hear somebody explain that in a way that doesn't lead back to being weasels.

Anonymous said...

The folks in Illinois demonstrated their disdain for the NRA and it's underlings yesterday. I mean GUNOWNERS!

Here we have the annual gun rights rally - the biggest in the state- undeniably- for years and years. The NRA pulled two years in a row the smokey back room double dealing crap and this year they got slapped for their actions

Less than half attended the protest this year. Folks are sick and tired of being sold out by the NRA and they decided NOT to attend this year to SHOW them their dissatisfaction.

Sadly, the "Leadership" is in full damage control mode trying to blame weather and apathy and blah blah for the EPIC FAIL put on by the NRA and it's lackeys. The truth is that old hands understand EXACTLY what the NRA is - a tool of statists to pacify newbies and fools.

The NRA is ABSOLUTELY a gun control organization !
One need not even look at long past history ( though it's demonstrated there as well). Look to TODAY! The NRA is AGAINST constitutional carry. The NRA works actively against it. The NRA is openly in favor if state preemption ( which preempts YOUR INDIVIDUAL RIGHT AND HANDS IT TO STATE GOVERNMENT) in utter defiance of the plain text of the Second Amendment. The NRA is all about growing government control for two reasons - one, it ensures lobbying efforts are "needed" in perpetuity but moreso because it convinces government to impose mandatory training that the NRA just "happens" to provide AT HUGE COSTS coincidentally

The NRA not only TOLERATES the poll tax aspect of permission slips (aside from permission slips themselves) but it has actually seen to it that it's own poll tax mandate has been installed in Illinois!

150 bucks to government.
Another 150 bucks to NRA "trainers " if you're military.
ANOTHER 150 bucks if you're not a vet.

This is legislation the NRA PARTNERED WITH DEMOCRATS TO PASS AND IT CHAMPIONS THUS GARBAGE AS "best deal it could get".
All while garnering support to oppose that debacle was ripe and begging to be " let loose". But instead the NRA butt hurt boys were told to stand down AND THEY DID STAND DOWN like good little drones.

Well guess what? Now they are left talking amongst themselves about all that silver they are getting for trading away rights that aren't theirs to trade. Cept those trainers are finding out that the flow of trainees ain't quite what they thought. And when it came time to PROVE support for their NRA "deal" the reality was undeniable.

The NRA lost over half the support built over a decade here in Illinois. And it did so because it BACKED gun control legislation INSTEAD of OPPOSING IT!


Anonymous said...

I agree with sme of the statements about the NRA BUT I am a staunch member of both...this direciton of takings sodes . . . divide and conquer . . .right.

Are we stupid now?

Anonymous said...

@Anony March 5, 2014 at 6:00 PM
"The NRA certainly has made "compromises" in the past that weren't good. Sometimes compromises were the only option that prevented an even worse outcome."

Compromises my ass.
Those compromises only delayed the inevitable and emboldened the Marxists.
We've allowed the Constitution to be crapped on so we could look "reasonable".
All agencies of government have been infiltrated and are now used as weapons against the People....including the SCOTUS.
The black robed cabal is just another arm of the "Progressive" party. Think Kelo, Wickard v Filburn, Obamacare...
These are people following a political agenda, not the Constitution.
If your Rep or Senator even hints at supporting restrictions on your natural right, he/she is a traitor to his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
All firearms control laws are unconstitutional; null and void.
Shall not be infringed is not hard to comprehend.

Anonymous said...

And once again, Hurricane Butthurt ravages the shores of Sipsey.

Anonymous said...

Gotta keep the camel's nose inside the tent flap - other wise the camel is outside peeing on the tent and those inside just shrug and say: "It's raining again!" ... and carry on their own way.

Enough contrarians (camels!) inside the tent can influence the organisation. Camels outside the tent just make it all warm and damp ... keep that nose inside the door ... and PUSH.

PS: There are over 5 million arguing camels in there now - join the chaos! You might make the difference?


Anonymous said...

I think most of the NRA bashers here are actually progressive trolls paid to create chaos and division among gun owners.

Nothing else can explain some of the comments here.

It's really too bad that so many from the Propeller Beanie Militia stink up the comment section at Sipsey's.

Mike, it may be time to upgrade your bullshit filter software.

Anonymous said...

NRA is NOT interested in slaying this dragon. They want the issue / money. I have been a lifer for 37 years and have come to regret it. They have a crisis every month or so and pan handle for money to "fight" this or that. The leadership wants to be liked and plays footsie with the shill press and politicians instead of getting seriously in their face and state the facts about gun control - ie it leads to genocide. For the historically ignorant here in the US of A just look at Wounded Knee or what happened to the Japanese Americans during WW2. The Indians were slaughtered when they gave up their guns or put on death marches to concentration camps er "reservations". I have found throwing the US governments transgressions pretty much shuts the control freaks up.

Anonymous said...


Ummm, it's more likely that the NRA supporters here are the progressive pukes! That YOU call for a filter IS A TELL! You see, you call for abridging a right because you can't handle the debate. That's what gun grabbers do too - call for infringements. See the tell yet? Fool.

What's happening is this - folks are telling the TRUTH about the NRA and you are either a leftist blathering idiot OR you are just so uninformed that you are in shock about what you are being taught. So try this -
Pick an example (like say how the NRA is caught both arguing for the creation AND destruction of permission slip structures AT THE SAME TIME) and explain how those showing you such a reality are inaccurate, how the NRA isn't doing exactly that! Good luck trying to demonstrate how truth isn't true.

Try taking a HONEST and OBJECTIVE look at real HISTORY. the sad reality is that the NRA has become the very thing it claims to oppose. It IS a Controller -and if what it just pulled in ILLINOS alone doesn't PROVE that to you then I submit NOTHING WILL.

The NRA is now holding peoples rights hostage for money just like the state does - yet for TWICE the price. In that respect, the NRA is arguably twice as bad as the state. (State demands 150 bucks extortion payment while NRA "trainers" demand 300).

Understand the reality -
The NRA is as corruption filled as state and federal legislatures. The NRA is just another head of the same beast that must be starved and them slain.

NRA= liars OR too foolish to see their "leadership " is lying to them. Either way, the NRA is being used as a means to impose more gun control. That might hurt someone's feelings but truth does that sometimes.

Know how to make that hurt stop?
Address it head on - deal with it.