Monday, February 10, 2014

"A Closer Look Under The Bed." Some general background in re the peculiar case of Mike Lawlor (and those of his ilk).

Folks, here are two from the archives of forgotten oldies of collectivist penetration of the American system. I draw your attention to them now thanks to the peculiar case of Mike Lawlor. So, Mike Lawlor, thank you. ;-)
From about 1955 to 1995, the dominant opinion in the United States held that the American Communist Party (CPUSA), founded in 1919 in the wake of the Communist revolution in Russia, was a small collection of admirers of the Soviet Union that never amounted to much. In the 1930s (so the story went) they mobilized a number of "popular fronts" to oppose fascism and promote various leftist causes. In the 1940s, a few Communists—probably Julius Rosenberg and (arguably) Alger Hiss—went so far as to commit acts of espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union. But Rosenberg was executed, and Hiss went to prison; so why all the fuss about domestic Communism?
But by far the greatest villain among Red-hunting politicians was, of course, Wisconsin's Republican senator Joseph McCarthy, who raised the issue of Communists in government in February 1950 and rode it triumphantly for four-and-a-half-years, acquiring an immense popular following, until the Senate itself voted to "censure" him in December 1954. He died, of liver failure induced by alcoholism, in May 1957, at the age of 48. By the 1960s the CPUSA, reduced to a few thousand members, had been almost wholly superseded by the New Left, and barely survived to see the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
That was the story of American Communism and its foes, as successfully propagated by the nation's dominant liberals, and it remained, as we have noted, the conventional wisdom for forty years. Indeed, it is in some ways the conventional wisdom even today, for younger generations (including many conservatives) have never heard any other version of the facts.
But the year 1995 was an epochal one for the study of American Communism. For in that year, thanks to the insistence of the late Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, who had long specialized in intelligence matters, some 2,900 documents collectively known as "the Venona papers" (a deliberately meaningless code phrase) were de-classified and published. These were radio messages from the top KGB agents in Washington and New York to their superiors in Moscow from approximately 1943 to 1948. They had been recorded at the time by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, but they were, of course, in code, and their decoding was an immensely arduous job carried out by a number of heroic government cryptanalysts over the period from 1945 to 1980.
A second new source of information on the American Communist Party was the archives in Moscow of the defunct Soviet Union, which began to be partially accessible to American investigators in the early 1990s, during the Yeltsin years.
The Venona papers, together with these archives, made it absolutely clear that the American Communist Party was from its beginning the willing agent of Soviet intelligence, obedient to its orders, financed by its contributions, and serving not only as a propaganda organ for Soviet policies but as a generous source for the recruitment of agents who would thereupon influence American policy and gladly commit espionage as well. It is now plain that by 1945 every important branch of the American government, from the White House itself to the State Department, the Defense Department, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department, the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor to the CIA), and the Office of War Information, to name only a few, was infested with Communists busily doing the work of the Soviet Union.
Read also Two Cheers For “McCarthyism”?


Anonymous said...

Another informing book on this topic:" Blacklisted By History" by M Stanton Evans. Puts the lie to the cries of McCarthyism by the left.

Anonymous said...

The "Two Cheers for McCarthyism" article is a sham for one reason.

It states, "When they denounce McCarythism, they are working on the clear assumption that McCarthyism victimized only innocent people. That is a lie. And it also a lie that the USA Patriot Act is being used solely to punish innocent people."

Simply put: you can't pick and choose when you'll have inalienable rights.

The Patriot Act is a CLEAR violation of our rights....and there is NO EXCUSE for that violation to catch "terrorists" or anyone else.

indyjonesouthere said...

I have not yet obtained a copy but Diana West has a new book out by the name of American Betrayal that is even more revealing of the communist influence especially in the FDR administration. As Hillary has said, "What difference does it make at this time" if the communists operate openly or under the name Democratic Socialists of America, or as Obama would remember, the New Party. The media will focus on the Tea Party which gives you some idea of where their loyalties lie.

Carl Stevenson said...

Yes, McCarthy was right (as in correct, no pun). There WERE a lot of communist agents in th highest levels of government.
He has never been vindicated.
He is still demonized by the left because their infiltration of the highest levels of government continues to this day,
Obama has been a big triumph for the leftists.
Should Shrillary be elected in 2016 (assuming the left doesn't plan on Obama being the last President), it will prove conclusively that there is no longer even a remote possibility of solving our problems through the ballot box.

Dakota said...

I was shocked when I read David Horowitz's "Radial Son" book at the depth that communism had infiltrated this country. Clearly, McCarthy was correct and the left cheered when they ruined his work. McCarthy was a bit foolish in the way he did things, but understood the danger.

WalkingHorse said...

Joe McCarthy was right. It is mystifying that Horowitz attacks Ms. West for her continuing expose. It leads me to reduce my willingness to trust even more.

Anonymous said...

A great read is Major Jordan's diaries. It's free on the net. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

McCarthy was right, and we may evermore pay the price for believing he was not.