Monday, March 11, 2013

Obama gathers in the gun control faithful for a chat while some of the pols are running from him as if his close-cropped hair was on fire.

The demi-god is calling in the gun control faithful for a chat: "Obama to speak to to Organizing for Action Wednesday."
Obama will speak to a Wednesday night dinner for donors and grass-roots supporters at the “founders’ summit ”of Organizing for Action, the nonprofit successor organization to his campaign, officials said.
The summit, to be held Wednesday and Thursday at a Washington hotel, is aimed at keeping supporters motivated ahead of tough congressional fights on gun legislation and immigration reform and to take their temperature about the future of the organization.
Meanwhile some of the pols are running from him as if his close-cropped hair was on fire:
"Dems' big 2014 obstacle: President Obama."
A number of Democrats made clear in interviews that the more partisan posture Obama has adopted over the past few months — particularly on cultural issues like gun control, and to a lesser extent on immigration and gay marriage — is making an uphill slog that much steeper.


Anonymous said...

Pro-gun forces must keep control of the House after the 2014 elections or Obama will run amuck with a liberal agenda that will turn the USA into Detroit/Chicago.

That said we still have a lot of educating to do with in our own ranks. In a recent survey of NRA members 89% claimed they opposed a semi-auto ban while 92% claimed they opposed Universal background checks.

My question is what the hell happened to 100% opposed to ALL forms of gun control.

A US senate committee passed the so-called straw purchase bill while some may support it I am ardently 100% opposed.

We don’t need any more stinking gun control laws.

What ever happened to the word “REPEAL” did we lose that some where?

Anonymous said...

Organizing For Access

Anonymous said...

When liberals start holding up Tricky Dick as an example of their brand of virtue, you know the desperation level is off the chart.

Anonymous said...

"Obama will run amuck with a liberal agenda that will turn the USA into Detroit/Chicago."

The results will not be pretty by any means but we will not end up looking like Detroit or Chicago. To start with those two cities are infested to the walls with people who have aspire to nothing more than to continue sucking nourishment from the government welfare teat. I do not see any likely scenario that would turn the rest of the country into that without major conflict.