Monday, November 14, 2011

New York Times OpEd advocates the direct sell out of a free people -- in this case, Taiwan -- for money.

"To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan."

WITH a single bold act, President Obama could correct the country’s course, help assure his re-election, and preserve our children’s future.

He needs to redefine America’s mindset about national security away from the old defense mentality that American power derives predominantly from our military might, rather than from the strength, agility and competitiveness of our economy. He should make it clear that today American jobs and wealth matter more than military prowess.

As Adm. Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared last year, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.”

There are dozens of initiatives President Obama could undertake to strengthen our economic security. Here is one: He should enter into closed-door negotiations with Chinese leaders to write off the $1.14 trillion of American debt currently held by China in exchange for a deal to end American military assistance and arms sales to Taiwan and terminate the current United States-Taiwan defense arrangement by 2015.

You know, at first I thought this guy was joking, trying to make a point about America's traditional inconstancy to allies in the late 20th and early 21st Century.


He's serious.


Anonymous said...


We declare financial and moral bankruptcy, China forgives our debt, and we go on our merry way, having accomplished what exactly? Our other creditors learn that we cannot be trusted with their money. Our other allies learn that our promises mean nothing. And perhaps most importantly, we learn nothing about the value of loyalty to our friends or living within our means.

Sounds like a great plan.....


The Chinese don't want us to repay our debts for two reasons. First, they would have to find another place to invest their money, and for all our faults there aren't too many better investments than US Treasurys. Second, it removes any leverage that that mountain of debt gives them in Washington.

Ken said...

The Chinese won't call their loans until or unless they can field 12 carrier battlegroups and take over policing the sea lanes. Still cheaper for them to bankroll the US Navy (rule of business collaboration -- if there's a partner out there who can do something better and cheaper than you can do it yourself, partner with 'em tout suite).

Jim said...

So under Barry's leading from behind, we sell out Mubarak, we show rogue nations why they should renounce terrorisim by bombing Ghadafi into the ground and we let Islamsists start a new dark age around the world.

So, now we sell out Taiwan. Yep that will make our few remaining allies feel warm and fuzzy.