Friday, July 1, 2011

A growing cultural appreciation of Obama. "What the heck happened to Walter ?"

ap·pre·ci·a·tion, noun

1. gratitude; thankful recognition: They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch.

2. the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value.

3. clear perception or recognition, especially of aesthetic quality: a course in art appreciation.

Senator Marco Rubio described Obama's performance at the press conference the other day: “It was rhetoric, I thought, that was more appropriate for some left-wing strong man than for the president of the United States.”

Right behind the email advising me of that story, I received another one from a DC friend, this one a joke making the rounds:

Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and Obama asks him his name.

" Walter," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Walter?"

"I have 4 questions:

First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the Congress? Second, why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually worse? Third, why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preachings and beliefs? Fourth, why are we so worried about Brazil drilling for oil, but we aren't allowed to?"

Just then, the bell rings for recess. Obama informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.

When they resume Obama says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right: question time. Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand. Obama points him out and asks him his name.

"Steve," he responds.

"And what is your question, Steve?"

Actually, I have 6 questions.

First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the Congress? Second, why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually worse? Third, why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preachings and beliefs? Fourth, why are we so worried about Brazil drilling for oil, but we aren't allowed to? Fifth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And sixth, what the heck happened to Walter ?"


Anonymous said...

ap·pre·ci·a·tion, noun

Financial dictionary: An increase in the value of an asset over time.

By this definition, Obama is a depreciating asset. He has used up all his political capital.

He may still retain some salvage value though, and this ensures his class warfare slogans will be recycled.

Presently, the Treasury is broke, the President is fully depreciated and Congress is morally bankrupt.

The US balance sheet ain't lookin' too good these days. As a country, maybe its time to reevaluate our values.


Anonymous said...

That is a clever joke.

Anonymous said...

Yep - 'where is Walter' - Hey melson are you still around??

kjames said...

LOL. Nice one Mike.

Capt45 said...

When Obama first came on the scene as a presidential candidate, I thought that the Clinton camp would dispatch him fairly quickly. Like others, I wrongly assumed she was indeed the heir apparent.

While he was campaigning and then after he won, I worried that there would come a time when his handlers would decide he was a better asset as a martyr. When George Soros recently commented to a reporter that he was disappointed in Obama, who didn't seem to have the oomph to carry out the agenda so he [Soros] would have to find someone who would, I really got nervous.

If 'Anonymous' and others are right, I shudder to think what may lie ahead in the next 6 -12 months.

Are the progressives pushing for the 'end game' after all? Or will they slink back and wait...?

Anonymous said...

"As a country, maybe its time to reevaluate our values."

For some reason, your comment brought to mind the late Sen Daniel Patrick Moynihan's essay "Defining Deviancy Down". Although this is primarily a site that has a focus on gun rights, its important for us to remember that the left has more in it's mind than gutting The Second Amendment. One of the great moral tragedies of the 1920s and 1930s was people's dismissal of the plan Herr Hitler laid out in black and white in Mein Kampf. Like Hitler, Obama has stated quite plainly that his goal is to rebuild America's foundation. America's foundation is the Constitution of The United States and the cultural traditions of the society that have grown and prospered under it.

He means to rebuild that. In order to rebuild it he must first tear it down. There is no hidden agenda, no secret messages. He said it. We're not listening.

Anonymous said...

Obama has stated quite plainly that his goal is to rebuild America's foundation. America's foundation is the Constitution of The United States and the cultural traditions of the society that have grown and prospered under it.--Anon@11:57

I fully believe BHO intends to make the economic crisis worse as a means of indicting "capitalism" (better: the private property order) for its failings, then offering a command-and-control regimen in its place.


WV: "fuleth" BHO fooleth not me. I have a good BS meter.

Anonymous said...

The problem isn't Obama. The problem is the senate and congress who enable everything we are being subjected to now and in the future.

The problem is that they have decided that they want it all for themselves.

They want to rule us.

They want to own us.

Their dreams for their children are that some day their kids, will inherit the ownership of all of us.

The sad fact is that none of them care one whit about freedom and American justice, they care about power, and almost all of them are Marxists of one stripe or another.

They are scared shitless from time to time, that you will find out and take exception but the news media tell their stories and everyone relaxes. Blue is red and brown is purple, up is down and inside is actually outside according to them.

Whizbanger said...

A tasteless but true Gunwalker Joke.

A guy walks into a bar in Georgetown and notices four people in a heated argument at a table.
Obama, Raum Emmanuel, Sara Brady and Paul Helmke are going hard at it. The guy watches the discussion for a minute or two and asks the Bartender. “Wow! That’s a pretty heated argument! What are they fighting over?” “No Clue” replies the bartender, “But why don’t you go ask”
The guy thinks that’s a fair suggestion so he ambles over to Mr. Obama and asks; “You guys are having a pretty heated discussion, mind if I ask what it’s about?”
Never one to let a PR opportunity pass, Mr. Obama replies; “Sure! We are discussing how to eliminate the Second Amendment and Fourth Amendment! And I think I have it figured out!! All we have to do is kill 15000 Mexican’s and a border agent.”
The guy takes a step back astonished! “Kill a border agent?? Why would you have to kill a border agent??”
Obama makes a fist and hits Raum Emmanuel on the arm and says;”See ya big dummy! NOBODY cares about 15000 dead Mexicans!”