Tuesday, July 5, 2011

FOX: "The U.S. government has blood on its hands." Covering up Gunwalker fatalities: ATF telling Mexico serial nos. of seized weapons do not exist.

ATF telling Mexico serial numbers of seized weapons "do not exist."


Robert Fowler said...

More cover-up trying to save their own asses. I say ship them off to Mexico and let them have justice. How long would a bunch of these lilly white liberal assholes last in a Mexican prison. I don't blame the Mexican government for being mad. There have been a lot of innocent civilians killed on both sides of the border. Then we have 2 federal agents and how many Mexican police and military?

Dedicated_Dad said...

We knew that everyone on the ground in Messico was blocked from access to any/all Gunwalker data, but this is the first time I've heard we're telling them the Ser>#'s didn't exist?!

Tell me again how all this helps make a big case to "take down a cartel"?!



Anonymous said...

Serial numbers? We don't got to cho you no steenkin serial numbers!

Col Bat Guano said...

"'It confirms what many Mexicans already believe. That there is this conspiracy from the U.S. to sell guns to Mexico, and that conspiracy has to do with this idea that America is trying to control Mexico or protect the arms industry," said Ana Maria Salazar"

It ain't that Anna. This is the kind, benevolent, hope-n-change Obama Regime looking at Mexicans like sub-human canon fodder to be used and discarded in advancing their agenda and power. Evidence suggests it's beginning to look at God and gun clinging Americans in the same light.