Friday, May 6, 2011

"The U.S. government has effectively allowed weaponry to reach cartels, and now uses the violence they helped cause as a gun control argument."

The story grows.


Anonymous said...

They will never be able to get that cat back in the bag now. We need to figure out how to best pound that sharp stick up their backsides till it reaches all the way to the top of the chain of command and impeach him and jail all those involved.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the additional information. It is mind boggling to see all the hidden sides of this gubmnt conspiracy subverting the Constitution. Am I surprised? No.
Toward the end of the PJ Media article is a hyperlinked sentence, Obama has previously stooped to "despicable levels". That link is also an eye opener regarding Obama and the Joyce Foundation.
Thanks again,

Rider said...

Never let a good crisis go to waste!

Dakota said...

Exactly what I figured these cockroaches would do ... exactly

fgd-anchorage said...

w00t!!! This article connects ALL the dots.